Form — Submit your pay data

Equal work deserves equal pay and equal pay requires transparency.

Help to create pay transparency by submitting information about your job through the form below.

The submission form and all submitted data are anonymous and will always stay that way. The form warmly welcomes all types of employment at organizations of all kinds and sizes from all around the world. No matter if you are self-employed or employed, this form was written with various types of employment in mind. Feel free to fill out all fields that seem appropriate to you. If you have difficulties providing an exact answer to a question, please feel free to provide a rough estimate that feels right to you. Please only provide information you feel safe and comfortable to submit, especially when it comes to very personal information and identifying factors. Please feel free to email us at with any questions. Thank you very much!

In case you work(ed) multiple jobs, please fill out one form per job.

The Essential Part

Filling out the following first part is mandatory for submitting your data.
Are you going to submit pay data for a job you are currently working in or a job in which you worked in the past?
During which period of time did you work in this job?
 In which year did you start working in this job?

In which creative industry is your job mainly located?

Within your industry, in which discipline or sector is your job mainly located?

Within your professional discipline, does your job focus on any specialized fields or activities? (optional, multiple answers possible)

What is your official job position title?

What is your form of employment / contract type?

How much time do you spend working?

Let's calculate how many hours you work in a year!

How much paid time off (including paid vacation days, public holidays, sick leave, etc.) can be subtracted from the above?
This sums up to roughly:

How much does your job pay on average after taxes?

This sums up to (rounded):

Do you work remotely or on site?

In which city/area do you work?
In which city/area is your employer or main client located?

The Optional Parts

The more data you provide the more accurate the evaluation will be and the more you will contribute to the cause of improving global working conditions through transparency.

If you are employed, how many people are working at your place of employment? (optional)

In which type of business do you work? (optional)

What is the name of your company? (optional)

For which industry, field of work or business sector are your clients / is your employer mainly active? (optional)


How many years of experience in your line of work do you have? (optional)

How many years of experience in your job field did you have when started working for the current salary listed? (optional)

What’s your highest degree/educational qualification? (optional)


Please list any kind of interest group, professional association or union that you are a member of or are participating in. (optional)

Personal (very optional)

Which year were you born in? (optional)

As which gender do you identify? (optional)

On your job do you consider yourself part of a racial or ethnic minority? (optional)

What is your sexual orientation? (optional)

Into which social environment / milieu / class would you categorize yourself into? (optional)

Are you sure you completed the form to the best of your knowledge?